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Bhagat Public School is a strong 9 years old institution and we have understood that education over the years has undergone a metamorphosis. Children today have lot more opportunities and schools have realised that education has to become all important and focused today. Technology has become an integral part and developing each day and these changes have also made us realise that transaction of the curriculum and educational technology also needs to be updated with the changing times.

We do realise that it is not enough to sit on our past laurels but as all dynamic institutions we need to create and recreate ourselves in creating a learning atmosphere in our schools. On assuming the office as Director of the prestigious Bhagat Public School, I convey my immense pleasure in getting an opportunity to work and fruitfully interact with all members of staff, students and their parents. In recent years our Educational Society has grown abundantly in its size and stature. It is our solemn duty and responsibility to ensure, that purposeful education, training of a high standard is imparted to our students to equip them to complete for various careers and course of choice in years to come and cohesive administrative facilities within available resources are made available to all for shaping up the institution towards attainment of our cherished goals.

Best Education

When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book

Best Tutor

When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book

Practical Training

When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book

Sports Facility

When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book


In the Present days stress has become a part of modern life. School too has been anguished by these problems. It has thus become imperative that stress free congenial atmosphere be provided in schools if we want our learners to become happy and successful citizens. Because stress is stunting the very psyche, creativity and whole some growth of the child, student’s slender shoulders are prematurely sagging with the burden of curriculum, competitive exams and Parental aspirations. Most pressing need for teachers & educationists is to make learning stress free and enjoyable.
We are committed to provide quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural livingness evolving learning process and environment which empower the future citizen to become global leaders in emerging knowledge society we commit it to provide a stress free learning environment that will develop competent, confident and enterprising Citizens who promote harmony and peace.

Navpreet Singh
